The Speakings Corner networking event aims to foster relationships between marketing and advertising professionals.
On Thursday 30 May, a new networking event, The Speakings Corner, was inaugurated, which will take place in different venues in the capital. At 19:30 the doors of Espacio 7 opened to give way to the guests of the first edition. People related to the world of advertising and marketinggathered to share impressions and learn a little more about marketing, around a round table entitled “Influencer marketing today”.
Miriam López, Co-CEO of Grupo WDi, was in charge of opening the conference. This event is organised by Grupo WDi, in collaboration with OXO and Eventscase. During her opening speech, Miriam thanked both sponsors and attendees for their confidence in this new and exciting project. Various collaborating brands such as Takering, Cervezas Scone, 3M, Espacio 7 and Más Músicas also made the event possible.
The round table was moderated by Arantza M. Huarte, CEO of OXO Spain. Paloma Miranda, CEO of GoTalents, and Natalia Olaso, head of the @villagayumbos account, took part in the event to give their opinions on the topic under discussion.
Paloma explained, in an open and relaxed format, how an influencer agency is created, what marketing with influencers contributes to a brand strategy and how digital presence, especially in social networks, are the best guarantors for a brand to succeed. He highlighted how Instagram is now king. “People are demanding to see stories,”he said during the conversation.
During the round table we were also able to hear from the other side of the coin, that of the influencers themselves. Natalia commented that what really matters in product publications is that you believe in them. “Viewers want naturalness, and if they don’t see it, the promotion is a failure. Natalia, who is a professional photographer, mentioned how “The reflection of reality in a photograph brings more to the public than a good photographic composition”.
After the question and answer session, people were able to enjoy an aperitif and drinks while networking, meeting the other attendees and talking more closely with the speakers. A luxurious finale to a day in which the attendees were sure to have enjoyed themselves and learnt about such a hot and interesting topic as influencer marketing.
The Speakings Corner will take place on the last Thursday of every month in interesting venues in Madrid. You can visit their website to learn more about the project and find out the latest news about upcoming calls.