The answer is it depends. Like everything in life, it depends. It is clear that we have to adapt to new formats and this translates into starting to use video as a form of communication. It is faster, more dynamic and generates more engagement. As we are about to...
We’ve all heard someone say “I’m not downloading TikTok, that’s for kids”. And if you haven’t heard it, it’s probably because you said it. Something that evolved from its former app,, where lip syncing was all the...
Over the last year, innovating at the point of sale has been a constant struggle. In a situation where attracting attention is decisive for the success of a campaign, brands have been forced to put their best cards on the table, creating completely different designs...
Digital promotions may go unnoticed at first, however, something that may seem small within a point of sale campaign, can be the key to increase your sales and reach your target audience, creating an unforgettable experience. This type of promotion can take place at...
Millennials represent 80 million people worldwide and control almost two trillion euros in liquid assets. Before explaining the keys to understanding Millennials and how to direct advertising and marketing towards them, it is necessary to understand who they are and...