Publicado el 17/02/2022
Visibilidad en punto de venta sunbites

Retail is constantly changing. Especially since the digital world entered our lives. However, there is one thing that always remains: the point of sale.. No matter how much transformation we go through, the physical point of sale will always be a traffic zone.

Just like those who resist e-books and continue to buy paper books, the point of sale is a safe place for those who want to walk around, see and touch your products before buying them.

Fage point-of-sale visibility
Premium displays for Fage

The point of sale continues to grow in importance

Did you know that 43.5% of consumers between the ages of 18 and 24 prefer neighborhood retail to online? This is just a reflection of consumer shopping habits. And yes, there may be a lot of talk about Generation Z, but we can’t forget that they are the consumers of the future.

Maybe that’s why the focus is on making the point of sale appealing to these people.

There are certain things that the point of sale offers that cannot be achieved with online sales. The approachability and proximity is the main reason why consumers prefer the point of sale. Immediacy is also one of the main advantages. While in online commerce you have to wait for your order to arrive at your home, the point of sale offers an immediate reward.

So, how do we manage to conquer the point of sale and attract attention to transform into sales?

As we mentioned in our post onpoint-of-sale promoter demonstrations, the point-of-sale is the place where the brand defends its values and products against its competitors. Brands demonstrate why the consumer needs to choose them and a good POS campaign can mean closing a sale or not.

Gaining visibility at the point of sale can be achieved in several ways..


Point-of-sale visibility can be achieved in different ways. What is clear to us is that there are certain points that stand out from the rest.

  1. Eye-catching campaigns. The most direct way to impact the consumer and generate curiosity is to create a campaign that draws attention to our products. With signage, window displays or themed spaces, a product launch can become the center of your consumer’s purchase. But what elements can we find in these campaigns?

    a)Stoppers. They are the easiest way to capture the consumer’s attention and gain visibility at the point of sale.

b) Shelf strips. They are usually an indication that your product attracts the consumer’s attention.

c) Box Arches: There is nothing like an arch to delimit the space and attract the attention of consumers.

d) Box Pallet.It is a way to make your consumer deviate from the shelf to take the product from the display. It also serves as storage.

e) Premium furniture. If you are dealing with permanent displays, there is the possibility of using premium furniture. It is the clearest way to give an image of quality and experience.

f)Macroexhibitions. These are spaces that offer the possibility of theming and are a creative way of taking the product off the shelf. Promoters, staff and hostesses. Having a person who inspires confidence and defends the product, with all the information the consumer may need, can mean the sell out.

Barbie point-of-sale visibility
Macroexhibition for Barbie

2. POS materials. The materials used in campaigns are the clearest indication of quality and production. Especially if they are sustainable materials, the brand will achieve a positive impact.

3.Innovative packaging. Whether by design, sustainability or practicality, a good packaging can differentiate your product from the competition and be the reason why it is a safe sale.

4. Location. Stores have cold zones and hot zones, and everything is arranged to direct your consumer to the checkout. So why not pay attention to where we implement our campaign? Product launches often attract attention in islands, where attention is not diverted. Promotions attract more attention in headers, where they generate more impact due to the traffic they receive.

5. Experiences. The human being seeks to feel the experience, and creating an action in which the consumer is an active part, generates a positive memory in his mind, positioning itself as a real and close brand.

Point-of-sale promotions.

Another way to capture the consumer’s attention is with promotions. It is a way for the consumer to be an active part of the campaign, participating in sweepstakes or interacting in brand activations to win a prize.

In this way, sales are encouraged by a psychological reward factor.

In addition, there are several ways to use promotions to our advantage. Although in our post on digital promotions we talk more in depth about them; there are several types. Digital promotions, with which the user has to interact. The promotions themselves at the point of sale, such as offers or 2 x 1. Even the cross-promotion can be an idea to capture the attention of your consumer, who at first did not plan to buy your product, but takes advantage of the gift of another of the same range or even another brand to buy it.

Visibility at the Sunbites point of sale
Sunbites 3×2 promotion

Keep in mind that at least 90% of the people who enter the point of sale have the intention to buy. Our intention when we create point of sale campaigns is to finish convincing in order to maximize the sell out. But we can also create campaigns to publicize our products, and that moment of distraction of the consumer, we serve to transform a doubt into a need.

At Grupo WDi we have been looking for ways to attract the attention of your consumer for more than 10 years. You can always make a space in our agenda to let us tell you how to transform into sales with Trade Marketing campaigns.

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